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The week's events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
9th April 2018
10th April 2018
11th April 2018
12th April 2018
13th April 2018
14th April 2018(2 events)

1:00 pm: The Landlord's Game: A tour of London's land & housing crisis

14th April 2018

On Saturday April 14th, the Land Justice Network will be holding a walking tour of two of the wealthiest boroughs in London, yet where many still live in poverty: Westminster, owned largely by the Duke of Westminster, and Kensington
and Chelsea, where the Earl of Cadogan owns 93 acres.

Here we can see the massive area that has been taken from the people centuries ago, and now home to some of the richest landowners, investors and property speculators.

By accident of birth these privileged individuals inherit a life of luxury, and by use of trusts they avoid the inheritance taxes everyone else is required to pay, so enabling the grossly unequal distribution of land to continue.

Is it right that the rich can avoid paying their taxes and that their land and wealth continues to grow at the expense of the rest of society?

The Landlord's Game: A tour of London's land & housing crisis

15th April 2018(1 event)