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The week's events

  • Land, Communities and the Ecological Crisis: The impact of mining

    Category: Policy Land, Communities and the Ecological Crisis: The impact of mining

    18th August 2020

    This seminar will be led by speakers from the London Mining Network and their partners, including speakers from Yes to Life, No to Mines, War on Want, and the Coal Action Network. We will examine how global mining corporations devastate the environment and the health and well-being of local communities. We will also consider how this relates to the UK. Not only is mining still an issue in this country, for example through fracking, but the UK has effectively exported many of the problems mining brings to other countries. Communities in the global south have to deal with the ecological, health and social consequences of a brutal mining industry, many of these mining corporations being based in the UK.

    Land, Communities and the Ecological Crisis: The impact of mining