Land for What? Norwich

Sunday 19th March, 11am-4pm
The Silver Road Community Centre, 34 Silver Road, Norwich, NR3 3TB

Tea and coffee provided, please bring something for a potluck lunch

Please register at

Facebook page is

‘Introduction’ who is here and what is our connection to the land
‘Land – The Fundamentals’ with Rosalind Bacon (Norwich Farmshare)
‘Learning from Scotland’ with Calum MacLeod (Community Land Scotland)
‘Yes but what about the future?’ with Robin Grey (Three Acres And A Cow)

Land plays a central role in our countries widening inequality, chronic housing crisis, dysfunctional food system, poor public health and impending climate collapse. We want to bring people together to talk about how land ownership and control contributes to these issues. Together we can unite to fight for the changes we need.

Land For What? is a collaborative space for learning about and challenging the way land is owned, controlled and used in the UK and beyond. Join us for a participatory day of learning, thinking and planning practical action.

Hosted by Community Land Scotland, Three Acres And A Cow , the Landworkers’ Alliance and Norwich Farmshare.

We are committed to making this event as accessible as possible. Those with young children are more than welcome to bring their children into the sessions and we will provide childcare on site if requested for those who would prefer their children to be less involved. The venue is completely wheelchair accessible with disabled toilets.